January 26, 2024

DeBank's Rabby Wallet Introduces Innovative Points Program to Ethereum Users

The Balance Ecosystem encompasses a wide range of innovative products and developments in various DeFi and Web3 technology areas.
Balance is poised to build bridges between the theoretical and practical sides of finance so that there is a means in which we can provide real-world solutions and create value driven products within the web3 space.

Balance Capital

In a bold move to revolutionize user engagement in the world of DeFi, DeBank's Rabby Wallet has recently rolled out an ambitious points program. This initiative marks a significant step for the Web3 wallet, which was introduced in 2021, as it seeks to carve out a substantial presence in the competitive cryptocurrency wallet space.

A Strategic Move to Attract Ethereum Users

The standout feature of Rabby Wallet's new program is the initial distribution of points to every Ethereum address. This universal approach is not just inclusive but also strategic, potentially tapping into the vast Ethereum user base. 

By simply installing Rabby, importing their wallets, and completing a gasless transaction, users can claim these points, making the process accessible and user-friendly.

Challenging the Market Leader

Rabby Wallet is not just stopping at attracting new users; it's directly challenging Metamask, a dominant player in the crypto wallet arena. 

By offering up to 12,000 bonus points for users who have interacted with Metamask Swap in the past year, Rabby is directly incentivizing users to switch allegiance. This move could stir the competitive dynamics within the crypto wallet market, especially among Ethereum users.

Earning Points Through Engagement

The points program is designed to encourage continuous interaction with the Rabby platform. Users can accrue points daily through various activities such as referring new users, executing swaps, and utilizing Rabby’s gas top-up feature. 

This approach not only fosters regular use of the wallet but also builds a community around it, enhancing user loyalty and satisfaction.

The Rise of Points Programs in Web3

Rabby Wallet's initiative is part of a broader trend in the Web3 and DeFi sectors, where projects are increasingly leveraging points programs to drive user engagement and capital inflow. These points often lead to future token airdrops, adding an extra layer of incentive for users to participate actively.


DeBank's move with Rabby Wallet is a clear indicator of the evolving landscape in the DeFi space. By introducing a points program and targeting a broad user base, including those currently using competitors like Metamask, Rabby is not just innovating; it's challenging the status quo. 

This strategy could significantly influence user preferences and behavior in the crypto wallet market, marking a pivotal moment in the ongoing evolution of decentralized finance.