July 27, 2023

Shifting Towards Arbitrum: L1 Apps Embrace Arbitrum L2 for Enhanced Scalability and User Experience

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As blockchain technology faces challenges related to scalability and user experience, L1 apps are turning to Arbitrum  to enhance their performance and offer a more seamless and cost-effective experience to their users. 

This article delves into the reasons behind this shift, including improved scalability, lower transaction fees, and enhanced security, highlighting the transformative potential of Arbitrum L2 in shaping the future of decentralized applications.

Bonus: Read about how Solana apps are embracing Arbitrum.

Understanding Arbitrum 

Arbitrum is a Layer-2 protocol built on Ethereum, designed to enhance the platform's scalability and reduce transaction costs while maintaining a high level of security. It achieves this through a technique known as rollups, which enables off-chain computation and batching of transactions before submitting them to the Ethereum mainnet. This drastically reduces congestion on the main chain and allows for faster and cheaper transactions.

Expansion of L1 Apps to Arbitrum L2

The appeal of Arbitrum for L1 applications lies in its ability to address some of the key pain points associated with operating solely on the Ethereum mainnet. As the Ethereum network has grown in popularity, it has faced scalability issues, leading to higher gas fees and slower transaction times. This has resulted in a less than optimal user experience for many decentralized applications.

By integrating with Arbitrum, these applications can offload a significant portion of their transactions to the secondary layer, benefitting from faster processing times and considerably lower fees. This scalability upgrade enables developers to create a more seamless and cost-effective experience for their users, which is critical for the continued growth and adoption of blockchain-based applications.

Enhanced User Experience

One of the most significant advantages of using Arbitrum is the improved user experience it offers. With reduced transaction fees, users can interact with decentralized applications without being burdened by high costs for even simple actions like token transfers or interactions with smart contracts. This user-centric approach has the potential to attract more mainstream users to the blockchain space, as it aligns with their expectations of a smooth and affordable digital experience.

Seamless Interoperability

Arbitrums compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) ensures seamless interoperability for L1 applications migrating to the secondary layer. Developers can make use of their existing smart contracts and tools, making the transition to Arbitrum a relatively straightforward process. This reduces the barriers to entry for existing L1 applications and incentivizes them to adopt the protocol.

Security and Trust

Decentralized applications require robust security measures to protect user assets and data. Arbitrum leverages Ethereum's strong security model, providing the same level of trust and reliability. By relying on the Ethereum mainnet for final settlement, applications on Arbitrum inherit the security assurances of the world's most battle-tested blockchain.


With the continued expansion of L1 apps to Arbitrum, we can expect a more robust and sustainable blockchain ecosystem that fosters innovation and mass adoption. The migration towards Arbitrum reflects the industry's commitment to overcoming barriers and delivering a decentralized future that is accessible to all. As the journey unfolds, the potential for transformative applications and services on this Layer-2 scaling solution is limitless.